Senior School 14 Jan 22

Headmaster’s Headlines – 14.01.22

It is a stunning afternoon here at School. The School site looks beautiful today, bathed in sunshine with hardly a cloud in the sky. Sunrises and sunsets have also been breath taking; I wonder how many more days we can have like this as the winter progresses.

Sixth Form 14 Jan 22

Head of School Speech

During the Headmaster's Assembly today, Katherine Sawyer (Upper Sixth) delivered her Head of School speech, which you can read below.

Sixth Form 7 Jan 22

Head of School Speech

During the Headmaster's Assembly today Theodore Dransfield (Upper Sixth) delivered his Head of School speech, which you can read below.

Senior School 7 Jan 22

Indoor Hockey Success

Over the Christmas break, several of our pupils competed at the Indoor Hockey UK Championships. This is a tournament ran independently of England Hockey, aiming to give more athletes a taste of Indoor Hockey, in a highly competitive environment.

Head’s Lines – 07.10.22

7th Oct 2022
Prep School

This has been a week of conferences and consultations, with both Mr Thomas and I attending the first ever joint IAPS and HMC conference to hear about developments in the education sector and to network with colleagues in the independent schools’ sector. An insightful experience, but we both cannot wait to be back in School next week!

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Fun in Year 1

7th Oct 2022
Prep School

Our Year 1 children have had a brilliant week exploring their senses. They used fantastic adjectives to describe how the mystery objects felt in the feely boxes and then loved revealing the hidden items! They learnt new vocabulary in Geography and can now identify human and physical features. They have been estimating in Mathematics and writing their numbers in digits and words.

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Super Sports

7th Oct 2022
Prep School

Last Friday saw over 50 pupils take part in a number of Cross-Country events and SVPS athletes performed so well in all of their races. The annual Rawlinson Run, held at Dulwich Prep, Cranbrook saw a team of children from Years 2, 3 and 4 take part in races run over 600 to 1200 metres!

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Great Greek Day

7th Oct 2022
Prep School

On Tuesday, our Year 3 pupils were lucky enough to have 'Portals from the Past' in for a workshop to embrace their Humanities topic on ancient Greece. The children came dressed as Ancient Greeks featuring Zeus, Athena, many other warriors, Gods and Goddesses. They learnt about early Greek life and culture from the war between Sparta and Athens, democracy and Greek legends.  

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Prefect Piece – Avia E-O

7th Oct 2022
Prep School

Avia E-O (Year 6) talks in her prefect piece about her love for music and the musical opportunities that the School offers.

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Prefect Piece – Kenji J-T

7th Oct 2022
Prep School

Kenji J-T (Year 6) talks in his prefect piece about his love for Marcus Rashford's series of books and the important messages within them.

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Prefect Piece – Matilda M

30th Sep 2022
Prep School

Matilda M (Year 6) talks in her prefect piece about her experience on her first ever residential trip as well as her favourite parts.

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Nursery and Pre-Prep Fun

30th Sep 2022
Prep School

In Nursery and Pre-Prep this week we have enjoyed lots of lovely learning. The children have all embraced Forest School. We have seen our night life through our cameras in the forest.

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