Our Governors
Mrs Gillian Swaine BSc(Hons) MEd (Chair)
Mr Clive Baxter
Mr Roy Blackwell MA
Mrs Jane Davies BSc
Dr Rachel Densham BA(Hons) MSc MSc DCounsPsych
Mr Richard Green BEd
Dr Michael Heber MB BS FRCGP
Mr Andrew Hutchinson MA (Cantab)
Mr Patrick Sherrington LLB LLM FCIArb
Mrs Antonia Storey-Mason MA
Miss Adina Uritescu MA
Each governor has been selected for their expertise and love of education. Collectively, they possess a wide range of experience in education and have held senior roles in business and other sectors.
Responsibility for the various areas of School life, such as Finance, Buildings, Education and Personnel, are each devolved to a sub-committee structure, which reports back to the full Governing Body three times a year. Many governors are given specific oversight of areas of School life, including Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Learning Support, Boarding, the Preparatory School and the Nursery.
The Strategy Committee meets once a term and comprises the Chair and Deputy Chair of Governors, the Headmaster and the respective Chairs of the Governors’ Education, Personnel and Finance committees. Governors may be contacted in writing c/o The Headmaster’s PA, Sutton Valence School, North Street, Sutton Valence, Kent ME17 3HL or by telephoning Mrs Sari Bishop on 01622 845203.