We are proud of the diverse destinations of our leavers. The Sixth Form follows a comprehensive post-18 preparation programme, designed to support them in realising their individual ambitions for life after SVS. This programme begins early in the Lower Sixth with informal Higher Education breakfast sessions with the Head of Sixth Form, one-to-one careers counselling with the Head of Careers and lectures and talks from a variety of external speakers. As a partner school with InvestIn Education, our students benefit from discounted access to the prestigious work placement programmes they offer, in addition to workshops on interview skills, time management and making the most of work experience.
Applying for University
At the start of their Lower Sixth year, we begin to prepare students for the university application process in three stages: research, preparation and application. During the preliminary stages, students attend internally delivered talks on the application process and lectures on courses and university selection by external providers, including the University of Cardiff and the University of Sussex.
During the last week of their Lower Sixth year, students begin their UCAS applications and attend personal statement workshops, led by the Head of Sixth Form and external providers. During the Upper Sixth year, students attend a weekly timetabled session for further application and personal statement support, which is complemented by the guidance of their tutor and housemaster or housemistress. To enable our students to achieve the best range of university offers, we set an internal submission deadline of mid-November.
Research – January to June
Prepare – June to August
Apply – September to November
Our Oxbridge, Medical and Veterinary applicants receive additional, tailored support from the Head of Academic Scholars, who provides a bespoke programme of application preparation and guidance. Students interested in applying overseas also enjoy access to specific webinars and lectures, in addition to individual support from the Head of Sixth Form.
We update parents and guardians regularly throughout the university application process and invite all parents of Lower Sixth students to an annual Higher Education Morning. We also hold regular UCAS update meetings throughout the course of the year in the lead-up to key deadlines.
Preparing for life at University

Our enrichment programme aims to prepare students for life at university. Students are taught essential life skills, such as cooking, budgeting, first aid, self-defence and mindfulness. We welcome guest speakers to talk to our Sixth Form on identify theft and scams, personal finance and the importance of road safety, equipping them with the knowledge to thrive as young adults.
Alternative Options
We promote a range of alternative options to university, including apprenticeships, gap years and direct employment. Our students enjoy a variety of guest speakers and internally delivered talks on the range of options available to them, including Old Suttonians who have successfully opted for alternative routes. All students receive the same access to our one-to-one careers advice service.