Lino Print designing

10th Jun 2022
Senior School

Our Fourth Form GCSE Art students have been creating lino print designs inspired by a range of lino artists that reflect their chosen theme for their personal projects. GCSE students have the choice of the following themes for their personal projects: Underwater, Interesting Personalities, Spaces and Places, Beasts, Narrative, Passage of Time, Illusions, and Figures. 

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Headmaster’s Headlines – 27.05.22

27th May 2022
Senior School

And so we reach the end of another Half Term and I am sure that all the students and staff will very much welcome a break to recharge their batteries. Reflecting on the last few weeks, I sense we have seen the best of our community in many ways.

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BHV Push Hockey Fixtures

27th May 2022
Senior School

On Thursday 26th May, our SVS U14s and U16s Boy's Hockey teams had the opportunity to play fixtures against BHV Push, a Dutch touring Hockey club. Angus Brown (Third Form) and Jago Ongley-Dellar (Fourth Form) have written reports on these games, which can be read below.

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Spots and Stripes Designing

27th May 2022
Senior School

The Fourth Form and Lower Sixth Design and Technology students had a very exciting morning as part of the annual Spots and Stripes Day.Tanith Brown from The Big Cat Sanctuary visited the Design and Technology department to launch an exciting design task for the students.

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Fourth Form Metal Project

27th May 2022
Senior School

Our Fourth Form Design and Technology students have enjoyed applying their theoretical knowledge of metals through a practical manufacturing project. They have successfully developed their skills in manufacturing and have learnt how to use a wide range of new tools and processes.

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Lower Sixth Art – 27.05.22

27th May 2022
Senior School

Elizabeth Goodwin (Lower Sixth), a current Art student, is working on her final project - the theme being 'The Existing Positive Bonds Between Humans and Animals'.

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Amazing Albert

27th May 2022
Senior School

Albert Watts (Second Form) has received a Headmaster's Copy Prize for his work on coding. Mrs Palmer, Teacher of ICT, was particularly impressed by Albert's use of sophisticated codes, going above and beyond the set task.

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Senior Sports Awards 2022

27th May 2022
Senior School

On Saturday, the Senior Sports Awards Dinner took place in the Refectory. This is the first formal celebration of the senior sport since before the pandemic and it was fantastic to see over 100 guests; players, parents and staff, come together to celebrate an excellent year of senior sport.

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