Headmaster’s Headlines – 10.06.22

Senior School
10 Jun 22

In Assembly today, having heard some pearls of musical wisdom from Mr Horley and having awarded a few prizes for various things like Duke of Edinburgh, Shooting, Copy Prizes and even Lifesaving, I spoke about Marcus Rashford and his motivational and inspirational actions and thoughts. Much of what he says chimes with our values of community, support, ambition and care. I hope that the messages were well received and enable us to reflect on our special School environment and beyond.

It was lovely to see so many of the Third Form parents earlier this week to gain feedback at their parents’ evening. Next week, assessments for the First and Second Form begin while the Lower Sixth have their internal end of year examinations.

The last four weeks of term is crammed with so many different sporting, musical, dramatic and other co-curricular events so please do keep an eye on the ‘Dates for the Diary’ in the newsletter and the School calendar. In the near future, invitations to Speech Day will be sent out and I hope to see many of you there if not before!

Mr James Thomas, Headmaster