Prefect Piece – Ivy K

Prep School
27 May 22

In the following prefect piece, Ivy K (Year 6) talks about the recent Year 6 French trip:

J’ai adore le voyage en France – I loved the French trip! Even though we left so early in the morning, the atmosphere on the coach was incredible. Once we got to France, we went straight to a snail farm where we were offered the French delicacy of snails in garlic to eat!

We stayed in a hotel in Le Touquet and spent four days exploring France and practising our French. We visited a bee farm, chocolate factory, the beach and a war memorial called Vimy Ridge, which was very interesting. My favourite part of the whole trip was when we were given some independence to go shopping in the supermarket, on the final day, to spend the last of our euros.

Ivy K, Year 6 Prefect