House Hockey

Senior School
20 Mar 20

After a week of bad news and being told all the things that we cannot do, the Hockey staff at SVS put their heads together and came up with a plan so that the Juniors could still compete in a House Hockey tournament.  Subsequently our tournament took place in a very different way, including some social distancing!

Following England Hockey’s guidelines, we have had to cancel our fixtures against other schools and stop gameplay in our sessions, so we tried something new.

Our four Houses were divided into two teams each, one team made up of players from our usual A-D teams and another from our usual E-F teams. 

Our Hockey staff were accompanied by our trusty Sixth Form sports leaders and manned eight stations, where the boys had to score as many points as possible in just five minutes!

Our eight stations were:  Shooting from top D v a goalkeeper Shooting at two goalkeepers Crossbar challenge Penalty flicks v goalkeeper Putting (golf-esque) Passing (small boxes to receive in to encourage accuracy) Agility (Illinois agility test) Dribbling circuit.

The competition culminated with a team dribbling relay.

Congratulations to Founder’s for being our overall winners from the session!