Headmaster’s Headlines – 11.02.22

Senior School
11 Feb 22

It is amazing how much we manage to fit into small periods of time here. The last five weeks really have flown by and I am certainly aware of how much we all need to have a bit of a break over the next week for Half Term.

This week alone, we have had a myriad of different events, such as pancake races, Drama performances, leadership lectures, UCAS meetings, Parentsā€™ Evenings, Art examinations but to name a few…

As I promised in earlier newsletters, after Half Term I am very much looking forward to reconnecting with the community and leading a consultation process, which will involve questionnaires and various meetings with different groups in the community. This process is designed to acknowledge many of the great things that go on here at the School but also to look at the future and how we can all work together to continue the success of this wonderful community.

I wish you all the very best for the week ahead and hope that if you are travelling that you do so safely.

See you all in a week’s time after the holidays!

James Thomas, Headmaster