Headmaster’s Headlines – 27.01.23

Senior School
27 Jan 23

It is always nice to have a little pause for an exeat weekend. We have certainly earned it; you will have seen how much has been going on in the newsletters so far this term and in the articles below. Well done all!

We had a touching Headmaster’s Assembly today given by the History Student Subject Ambassadors relating to Holocaust Memorial Day and they also shared reflections of the trip to Poland at the end of last term. It can be so hard to compute the scale of such atrocities but many of us were moved and impressed by their presentations and reflections. We will also mark this in Chapel on Monday.

We continue to make efforts with regard to sustainability, and the Eco Team have launched their new Eco Exit Sticker strategy. They have also shared their plans to have another Swap Shop event later in the term. We have reminded students about food portions and wastage in the Refectory and I trust these important messages were taken on board by all. I look forward to sharing some other plans we have for the future on the Eco front in due course.

It will be good to welcome the First Form parents here for their Parents’ Evening on Wednesday and I know a number of Fourth and Fifth Form parents are planning on coming to the Study Skills seminar next Saturday morning. Thanks to the parents who came in last weekend for the presentations by Mrs Trachonitis and Ms Austen about Wellbeing, how we can look after each other and manage some of the more challenging moments of adolescents. It is always good to work together.

Have a good weekend.