Head’s Lines – 11th February 2022

Prep School
11 Feb 22

During his half of term, the whole School focus has been on the learning powers of tenacity and bravery. We have continued to consider this year’s theme of ‘How to make a better world’ and last week I introduced the children to Greta Thunberg’s words, “You are never too small to make a difference”. The children responded wonderfully to my assembly regarding the Nobel Peace Award winner, Malala Yousafzai, an excellent example of a young person who uses her learning powers of tenacity and bravery to make a huge difference to the lives of so many young people, girls in particular, around the world.

In her book, I am Malala, Yousafzai refers to a framed copy of a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to his son’s teacher which her father had outside his office, translated into Pashto. This letter read, “Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books
But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside”.

I am sure you will agree with me that in saying these words, written by Abraham Lincoln 200 years ago, it is still just as important for our children today. Here at SVPS, we are a ‘reading school’. Reading is valued, encouraged and celebrated every day and in every lesson, and our library is a treasure trove of literature that ensures the wonder of books is maintained throughout all age groups. Finding quiet time to ponder can be challenging in such a busy school, but this week it has been fabulous to see our older children taking some time out, to enjoy mindfulness with Miss Essu during their lunch breaks as we have marked children’s Mental Health Week.

Similarly, all the children, in both Prep and Pre-Prep, benefited enormously from Mr Evans’ Online Safety assemblies in response to Safer Internet Day. As far as ‘eternal mysteries’ are concerned, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my Year 6 Philosophy Club this term, as we have thought more deeply and grappled with some of life’s big questions. Today has seen the whole School embracing National Inventors’ Day with our off-timetable Curiosity Club workshops.

Today marks the half way point of this term, and indeed of this academic year. It has been a very busy few weeks in every department and I am very excited about the second half of term and all that will bring with events such as the Spring Concert, the Year 4 play, World Book Day and the Year 2 Arts Showcase. We are very hopeful that, for the second half of the year, we will be able to relax most of the remaining Covid protocols and I will be in touch soon after Half Term, once we have reviewed the risk assessment.

In the meantime, I wish the whole community a very restful and enjoyable Half Term break.

Miss Corkran, Head