French round-up

Prep School
20 Mar 23

Using the Surface Gos and Linguascope, the children have been learning new vocabulary for items in their pencil cases. Linguascope is our online language programme, and each child is able to work through the exercises and online games at their own pace. Children are able to choose to return to any part of a topic and repeat activities where they feel they need to. This ensures that they are confident in their knowledge and new language acquisition before moving on to the next activity.

Once the children felt confident that they knew the new words for the items in their pencil case, they played a game which matched a picture with the correct word, similar to a card ‘SNAP’ game. Then, in pairs, they practised spelling all the new words. Finally, and this is something the children always love to do – they looked for the new words in a wordsearch. It was great to see some children choosing to extend their learning, by remembering the words, rather than using a vocabulary reference sheet. Bon effort les enfants!

Next lesson, we will follow up by writing sentences describing what is and isn’t in our pencil cases: dans ma trousse il y a / il n’y a pas de…
Madame Buttle