Forest School – 13.05.22

Prep School
13 May 22

Reception classes took the book The Three Billy Goats Gruff to Forest School this week. The day began with building bridges and trying to find the strongest one. We tested this with our three different sized billy goats.

The children looked for the materials they thought were best suited for the goats to be able to cross the river. They acted out the story and some of the children were the bridge, some were the goats and they even had their very own troll! The physical acting out of the story will support the children’s writing to come. They freeze-framed different parts of the story to explore how the characters are feeling, what they are thinking and how we could change the story if they were the writer.

The children went on to find animals in the forest that needed a home. They built shelters for them and explored the forest to find the most suitable materials. The children talked about the shelters needing to keep the cold and rain out and what would help our animals stay warm and dry. The day ended with a fire and popping popcorn!

Forest School promotes the holistic development of all learners, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners. It generates curiosity inspired learning, whilst developing a love for nature and nurturing leadership skills whilst imaginations are able to run wild.