Gracing us with her presence!

Senior School
22 May 20

DT lessons last Friday held a wonderful surprise for 4A, 4S and 3S as an unannounced visitor graced them with her presence!

The mystery guest arrived with a blank screen and a ‘Who am I?’ name. After a few telling clues, they were elated to discover that gap student Grace Brabham had returned to help Mrs Savage in the virtual Art Zoom room.

Totem poles and fish making were the order of the lessons and Miss Brabham’s 3D fish (inspired by The Great Barrier Reef) swam delightedly with the wonderful, colourful cardboard fish that Year 3 have been designing and making for their fish mobiles. Sadly, at the end of the day’s lessons, we all said goodnight to Grace (it was past midnight in Australia) but she has promised to virtual visit SVPS again soon!