Student Support

As a School, we have many different options to support our staff and students.

Mental Health Support

You can go to our Mental Health Support page for external agencies that can help. No problem is too big or too small. They are all free services dedicated to providing support.

Chat Room

Our Chat Room is located in Lambe’s, where students can get information, support and guidance. An appointment to see Mrs Joanne Head, our Specialist Support Teacher, can be made by emailing

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Students can meet Mrs Trachonitis in her office in Centre block to get information, support and guidance about mental health and wellbeing. Students can either drop in for a meeting or arrange a meeting in advance by contacting

School Counsellor

On Tuesday’s, our School Counsellor, Sally Cloke, is onsite. A confidential appointment with Sally can be made by emailing the nurses,

Medical Centre

The nurses are always available in the Medical Centre – drop-ins are welcome or an appointment can be made by emailing


There is a booklet in our Library that can be picked up called Help Yourself if students do not wish to talk to anyone, but would like support.

Concerns Box

We have an internal anonymous Concerns button that students can write to, which is especially handy if they are worried about a friend.


Our Chaplain, Mr Davies, is available at any time for confidential and supportive conversations. Any topic can be discussed with him.

Any member of staff

All staff are made aware that if a student approaches them and asks, ‘Have you got ten minutes?’, they will know that the student would like to talk and will arrange a mutually convenient time.

Remember, it is important to reach out for support. We are all here to help.



