Science, Sentences and Sticking

Prep School
18 Nov 22

Children in Year 1 had an exciting afternoon on Thursday, when Mrs Fairest, Biology teacher from SVS, came to teach them all about animals; something they have been learning about this term. The children were inspired by the magic of Science, gripping onto Mrs Fairestā€™s every word. They learnt lots about grouping animals and comparing the structure of some common animals, with exciting puzzles and drawing tasks. The children had some excellent questions for Mrs Fairest and both Miss Pitcher and Mrs Theobald were so impressed with the knowledge they have already gained this term.

In English, the children have been recalling and recording facts about the Great Fire of London in lists, sentences and working together to create a class fact file. In Mathematics, they loved being robots and following directions listening carefully to the positional and directional language. They programmed Beebots, wrote directions for a friend to follow in order to position toys in the correct place.

They followed their Design Technology designs from last week to begin to construct their own models of Tudor houses, ready to recreate Pudding Lane from 1666 and worked on their cutting and sticking skills to make paper examples.ā€Æ