P4L – Global Awareness

Senior School
20 Nov 20

For the second half of term, Year 4 have moved on to the Global Awareness and Understanding strand of our new P4L curriculum. We began the topic by considering what we mean by Global Awareness and why it is important and the children were delighted to discover that we will be making the most of our link with HIKSVS in China over the next five weeks.

During today’s lesson, Year 4 enjoyed looking at photographs of the School in Tianjin. The photographs were taken by Miss McCarmick and Miss Corkran on their visits to China in 2019 and 2018 and next week the SVPS children will take pictures of our School to send to their counterparts at HIKSVS.

The children have also been coming up with questions that will enable them to develop their knowledge and understanding of life in China and we can’t wait to receive the replies!