Magnificent Mark Making

Prep School
25 Nov 22

In Art, our Year 5 children have been experimenting and taking creative risks with mark making. Spoilt for choice, they were given a variety of different materials to create their own drawing tools.

Thinking about the different effects they could produce with wire bristles, bubble wrap, wool, leaves, sticks, feathers and anything else that took their fancy, the children crafted their tools. Would they be robust enough? How would they hold them? What mark would they make? All-important design considerations to take into account when making a bespoke drawing tool.

Then they put their homemade drawing tools to work, using ink to create different types of mark making in their sketchbooks. It was stippling, cross-hatching, swirly, zig zag creative fun as they experimented with enthusiasm and excitement to embrace marvellous mark making!