Curiosity Club Day

Senior School
22 Nov 19

Curiosity Club Day has been a complete triumph! Children and staff have gained so much knowledge from the excellent and thought-provoking experiences. Our focus has been on reducing our carbon footprint and how, when united, these small steps can protect our environment and make a huge difference to our planet for future generations to enjoy.

The day began with us as a whole School, engaging in some reflective Yoga about our world.  In Early Years, we looked at animal habitats and how we need to keep these areas clean so our wildlife can thrive.

In Key Stage One, the children researched how far our food has had to travel and designed some 21st century trainers that spread the message about ecological mission.  Our amazing dining staff treated us to some vegan sharing platters at lunch.  

In Prep, the children were given opportunities to create menus with the mantra, ‘eat seasonally, eat locally’ to discover just how far food travels, making a direct impact on our carbon footprint.  The ‘water, water everywhere’ workshop focused on how much water is involved in the production of food.  Can you believe that it takes 2400 litres of water to make a hamburger – from watering the grass, to feeding the cows, to making burger buns!  This astonishing nugget of knowledge has opened our eyes to the reality of our global footprint.  

Futuristic travel came to the fore when the children were introduced to the friendliness of electric cars and the possibility of designing a new environmentally friendly school bus.  Some suggestions involved the bus being powered by noise!

Drama took place in an ‘ozone awareness’ workshop where the children used drama to express the disastrous effects of global warming on Earth.  Ridding the world of plastic is a sure way of reducing our carbon footprint so how about making cups and plates from recycled paper.  Children created origami cups and had a drink of water from them!  Recycling is another great way of reducing our global footprint so egg boxes dominated the ‘save our wild life and their habitats’ workshop.  Amazing animals were created and, with bated breath, we will await the construction of the School egg box chandelier, which will shine a light on going green and reducing our carbon footprint.

Curiosity Club Day has been brilliant in opening our eyes to the responsibilities that we have to reduce our global footprint and become SVPS “eco planet warriors”!