Art – David Hockney

Senior School
22 Jan 21

Seb H (Year 6) has been telling us all about Year 6’s Art lesson this week, and how they are looking at a new artist known as David Hockney. You can read his report below. 

“As a way to learn about David Hockney, we designed a little booklet about him. This booklet includes facts and pictures and is bright and colourful just like his art.

David Hockney inspired me, by the way he thinks and I love how he always looks forward to the future and if he is to look back, he will look back and see how he can improve his work. He is now 83 and still continuing with his artwork and although he is growing older, he says he still feels 30 when working in his studio.

He now lives in California but originally lived in London, and he loves how bright and colourful California is and he finds himself inspired by everything there. He really amazed me by the diversity of his work and how he uses a range of techniques, even including an iPad. He would also do portraits but only of people he loved or people that had a relationship with each other.

He has a famous selection of paintings called the Hockney Pools. He loves the colour blue and likes how the bright shining sun makes the texture on the bottom of the pool. He has made everyone think about how they could use different strategies to create their art.  I think we have all appreciated learning about him.”

Seb H

Below are some of Year 6’s booklet collages about David Hockney.