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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae ligula nulla. Cras pulvinar, leo aliquam dictum dapibus, massa metus placerat neque, posuere scelerisque nulla quam ac mi. Nullam vitae faucibus turpis. In quis ultrices nulla. Aenean bibendum diam velit, id dictum mauris laoreet a. Sed purus urna, tincidunt ut feugiat ultricies, posuere nec mauris. Donec interdum lobortis nibh, ut laoreet dolor pulvinar convallis. Phasellus molestie ex ac lectus dignissim, ut finibus neque facilisis. Sed eu tincidunt sapien. Quisque in imperdiet mi. Integer nec vestibulum quam.

Heading 2

Aliquam vitae ante sed diam facilisis maximus aliquam vel massa. Suspendisse convallis, odio varius lacinia mollis, nulla sem blandit metus, nec ultrices tellus metus quis purus. Quisque ex elit, egestas vulputate nulla viverra, posuere finibus ex. Quisque ultricies tempus fermentum. Sed gravida orci at placerat iaculis.

Heading 3

Aliquam vitae ante sed diam facilisis maximus aliquam vel massa. Suspendisse convallis, odio varius lacinia mollis, nulla sem blandit metus, nec ultrices tellus metus quis purus. Quisque ex elit, egestas vulputate nulla viverra, posuere finibus ex. Quisque ultricies tempus fermentum. Sed gravida orci at placerat iaculis.

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Payment of fees

Rachel harrison svps and pupil lesson
girls in lesson smiling academic senior
senior boys in lesson smiling

All fees are payable in advance and must be received by the Bursar, at the School, on or before the first day of each term. Alternatively, payment can be made by monthly or termly Direct Debit, and details are available from the Bursar’s Office. Interest will be charged on any fees remaining unpaid one week after the start of term and continue until such time as the amount due is paid in full.

Sibling Discount:
A discount at the rate of 20% of the tuition fees will be given for the third or youngest child from the same family when there are three or more children in the School, at the Senior or Preparatory site, at the same time.

For further information regarding the available boarding options and associated fees, please contact Mrs Kathy Webster, Admissions Officer

Sibling Discount

A discount at the rate of 20% of the tuition fees will be given for the third or youngest child from the same family when there are three or more children in the School, at the Senior or Preparatory site, at the same time.

For further information regarding the available boarding options and associated fees, please contact Mrs Kathy Webster, Admissions Officer

Termly fees (except where indicated) for 2020 – 2021:

Senior School
Senior Tuition£7,385

Boarding (all including lunch):

Five nights per week£3,315
Four nights per week£2,615
Three nights per week£2,070
Junior tuition - Second Form£6,430
Prep School
Years 5 and 6£4,775
Years 3 and 4£4,375
Years 1 and 2£3,895
Nursery FeesView here

A discount at the rate of 20% of the tuition fees will be given for the third or youngest child from the same family when there are three or more children in the School, at the Senior or Preparatory site, at the same time.

For further information regarding the available boarding options and associated fees, please contact Mrs Kathy Webster, Admissions Officer

Termly fees (except where indicated) for 2020 – 2021:

Financial Arrangements

girls in lesson smiling academic senior

All fees are payable in advance and must be received by the Bursar, at the School, on or before the first day of each term. Alternatively, payment can be made by monthly or termly direct debit, and details are available from the Bursar’s Office. Interest will be charged on any fees remaining unpaid one week after the start of term and continue until such a time as the amount due is paid in full.

Extra charges for examination fees, educational outings and other incidental expenses will be charged at the end of the term in which they are incurred. School uniform is an extra charge and should be purchased from our School Shop, or online through their website.

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