Canadian Cadet Selection

Senior School
6 Feb 20

Earlier this month, Andrew Loy attended the Brigade Selection Weekend for the CCF/ACF Cadet Exchange to Canada. Read below for Major Millbery’s message:

“This opportunity is a chance to spend six weeks with the Canadian Cadet Forces and undertake adventurous training and leadership activities.  Andrew prepared himself for the battery of tests he was to face – fitness, interview, presentations, swimming and more.  He was up against the best cadets from the Army Cadet Force and the Combined Cadet Force in the South East of England.

We are pleased to report that Andrew was one of the five cadets selected to move forward to National Selection which takes place at Easter. Andrew will be competing amongst the best cadets nationally, for one of 12 places available for the Exchange to Canada.  To pass Brigade selection is an incredible achievement and a testament to his dedication, personality and enthusiasm.  We are very proud of his achievements and getting through Brigade selection. We wish him the very best of luck at Nationals.”

Good luck Andrew!