Headmaster’s Headline – 20.01.23

Senior School
20 Jan 23

We have not let the freezing temperatures get us down and I am glad to report another very good week here overlooking the chilly Weald. This afternoon I spent time in the Lambe’s rooms, the Art and Design Technology departments and also in the Shooting Range seeing once more the great range of experiences that students get to have at School, seeing them work both individually and together in sensitive and thoughtful ways.

The two Heads of School this term, Grace Bartleet and Ethan Wynne have shared some genuinely profound thoughts with the School community in their Headmaster’s Assembly speeches this week and last. Please take the time to read them here and discuss them at home. In a similar tone to Grace and Ethanā€™s speeches, I shared with the School in Headmasterā€™s Assembly some wise words from Jacinda Ardern: ā€œNow I think leaders donā€™t necessarily have to be at the front of the pack; they can be in the middle of rallying people, motivating them, finding new leaders. I think leaders come in many different forms now, and theyā€™re in our communities, in our homes and sometimes, they are quiet and unassuming, but they leave a legacy and they leave a mark on our lives.ā€ Some of the students remembered that I also used those words back in an assembly last February as I think in many ways they encompass how we view leadership here and show some of the values of our community where we can all make positive contributions.

It was nice to see a Fourth Form parents for coffee last Saturday morning (please see the follow-up letter from Mr Sansom), a most enthusiastic group of SVPS Year 5 students with their parents for their mini Open Day, and well done to those who were on the bracingly-cold touchlines. I hope that the Lower Sixth parents found their online Parentsā€™ Evening beneficial.

I am pleased that tomorrow a number of parents are coming for a Wellbeing talk, which is being given by our new Assistant Heads – Mrs Trachonitis (Wellbeing) and Ms Austen (Safeguarding). This is of course such a key area for the School and we look forward to continuing to work together between home and School.

We have a packed five days next week before a little pause before an Exeat weekend. The Upper Sixth have their A Level mocks next week; we wish them all the best.

Have a lovely weekend.